In our fast-paced digital age, where information is at our fingertips, one might assume that accessing and engaging with religious texts would be easier than ever. Yet, despite the unprecedented availability of the Bible through apps and online platforms, many people still struggle to make Scripture a meaningful part of their daily lives.
The Bible App, developed by LifeChurch, has been downloaded over 800 million times worldwide and offers access to 3,340 versions of the Bible in 2,182 languages. This level of accessibility is truly remarkable. However, the American Bible Society’s 2024 State of the Bible report reveals a startling statistic: only 38% of Americans are considered “Bible Users,” defined as those who interact with their Bible 3-4 times a year outside of church activities. Even more concerning, a mere 18% are classified as “Scripture engaged,” meaning they read the Bible frequently and allow it to impact their relationships and decision-making.
These statistics beg the question: How can we turn this around? How can we approach Scripture as a spiritual discipline in a way that is both sustainable and beneficial to our spiritual lives?
The answer may lie in the wisdom of Psalm 1:1-3, which paints a vivid picture of the righteous person:
“Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path that sinners tread or sit in the seat of scoffers, but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law they meditate day and night. They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper.”
This passage offers us three key insights into approaching Scripture as a spiritual discipline:
1. Avoid negative influences: The psalm begins by describing what the righteous do not do, highlighting the importance of steering clear of destructive paths and influences.
2. Delight in God’s Word: The righteous find joy and pleasure in God’s law, or instruction. This isn’t about grudgingly reading Scripture out of obligation, but genuinely delighting in it.
3. Meditate day and night: This doesn’t mean constantly reading the Bible, but rather allowing Scripture to shape our thoughts and actions, even on a subconscious level.
The metaphor of a tree planted by streams of water is particularly powerful. It suggests that engaging with Scripture isn’t our natural state – we must be intentionally “transplanted” into this practice. But once we are, we can thrive and bear fruit in due season.
So how can we practically engage with Scripture in a way that transforms us? There are two primary approaches:
1. Study: This analytical approach shapes our minds. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:2, we are to be “transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Studying Scripture helps us understand God’s will and grow in our knowledge of Him.
2. Meditation: This devotional approach speaks to our hearts. It involves savoring Scripture, letting it penetrate deeply into our souls and allowing God to speak to us through it.
Both approaches are valuable and complementary. They work together to transform us holistically – mind, heart, and actions.
For those looking to develop a habit of engaging with Scripture, here are some practical tools and tips:
1. The Study Approach:
– Observation: Read the text and note what it says.
– Interpretation: Explore what the text means, using reliable commentaries and cross-references.
– Application: Consider how the text applies to your life and what actions you need to take.
2. The Meditative Approach (Lectio Divina):
– Read the passage once, simply to familiarize yourself with it.
– Read it again, allowing a word or phrase to captivate you.
– Read it a third time, prayerfully asking God why that word or phrase stands out.
– Read it a final time, contemplating how to apply what you’ve received.
3. Practical Advice:
– Give yourself enough time: Don’t rush through your Scripture reading. Set aside 10-15 minutes to engage without feeling hurried.
– Take small bites: You don’t need to read large portions. Sometimes a single verse is enough to chew on for a day.
– Read more than once: Slow down and actually read the words. You might be surprised at what you discover when you take your time.
Remember, developing this habit takes time and patience. Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s years of practice. The goal isn’t to read through the Bible as quickly as possible or to impress others with your knowledge. Instead, it’s about allowing God’s Word to transform you from the inside out.
As you begin this journey of engaging with Scripture, know that God is already there, waiting to meet you in the pages of His Word. Like a tree planted by streams of water, you too can flourish and bear fruit as you make Scripture a central part of your spiritual life.
The power of God’s Word is transformative. It has the ability to shape our minds, touch our hearts, and guide our actions. By approaching Scripture with intentionality and openness, we open ourselves to a wellspring of wisdom, comfort, and guidance that can sustain us through all of life’s seasons.
So, take that first step. Pick up your Bible, open that app, or listen to an audio version. Give yourself the gift of time with God’s Word. As you do, you may find that the ancient words begin to speak anew, offering fresh insights and deep truths that resonate with your life today. The journey of transformation through Scripture awaits – are you ready to begin?