Our Mission & Vision

Our vision is…

to be a church with a heart for our community

Our mission is…

to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Who We Are

Meet Our Pastor


Rev. Matt Swisher


For Our Visitors

Frequently Asked Questions

Peggy Coppler

Peggy Coppler

Music Director

Sharon Bennett

Sharon Bennett

Administrative Assistant

Ginger Phillips

Ginger Phillips

Operations Manager/Treasurer

Delaney White

Delaney White

Family Ministries Director

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the worldwide United Methodist Church, we share in a Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking?

Our main parking lot is on the east side of the building, with entrances on Mulberry St. You can also use the street parking or the city lot north of the building. We do have designated handicap parking in the northwest corner of the parking lot.

What should I expect?

Grace UMC is the oldest church. Our worship service is casual, but traditional. We sing hymns accompanied by the organ. We have special music provided by our chancel choir and even the occasional bell choir piece. You can get a sense of our worship by watching the livestream available on Facebook or Youtube.

What should I wear?

Wear what makes you most comfortable. We have people who show up in suits every Sunday. We have people who wear jeans and a T-shirt. All are welcome to come as you are.

Is there Sunday School?

At this time, we have one Sunday school class that meets following our fellowship time on Sunday mornings. We are looking to add more groups and build a robust small group ministry in the near future.

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?

Children’s Church is available each week. We invite our children to join us in the sanctuary for the beginning part of worship, and then they are dismissed to children’s church, which takes place in our children’s area downstairs.

Nursery care is also available for our youngest worshipers.


Is the church available for outside events (i.e. weddings, etc.)?

We do have space available to rent for outside groups. You can call the church office at 765.457.5329.

How do I become a member of the church?

If you are interested in becoming a member of Grace UMC, talk with Pastor Matt to get the process started.